Access Group is proud to partner with U Microfinance Bank Limited, to develop Mobile Banking Application and Internet Banking Platform.
The strategic partnership will empower U Bank with the ability to transform its banking experience by enabling digital channels for its customers. Through this arrangement, Access Group will develop and provide the technology to offer state-of-the-art digital financial services to U Bank’s customers through Mobile and Internet Banking.
With a drastic change in the way customers bank, digital channels such as Mobile Apps and Internet Banking are emerging as an alternate to conventional banking and play an important role in diversifying the banking experience. U Bank, with its strong customer focus, is looking forward to offering advanced digital channels which will allow users to transfer money, pay their bills and manage their digital wallets and bank accounts on-the-go.
Mr. Kabeer Naqvi, President & CEO, U Bank stated that U Bank believes that access to banking is a basic right that every Pakistani is entitled to. As more customers come in to U Bank family, we are determined to provide them with all types of mediums to access banking services at their convenience. U Bank’s Internet Banking and Mobile App is the first step in serving whole spectrum of our diverse customers scattered around Pakistan.
“We are excited to collaborate with U Bank for enablin犀利士
g new digital channels that would assist U Bank in contributing to financial inclusion of the unbanked population of Pakistan” – said Mr. Imran Qureshi, President – Access Group. “We look forward to leveraging our technology expertise and diversified experience in the industry to make this endeavor a success.”
Access Group is amongst Pakistan’s leading technology solution providers, with offerings including enterprise grade platforms, branchless banking solutions, enterprise loyalty solutions and payment acceptance at various forecourts. Over the years, Access Group has built up one of the largest nationwide support network for servicing its customer spanning over 200 cities, town and villages across Pakistan.
U Microfinance Bank Ltd. (U Bank) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) – Etisalat. The bank has a network of 140 branches in urban and rural areas of Pakistan, offering a wide range of microfinance loans, deposit products and branchless banking solutions. U Bank’s branchless banking offers services under the banner of U Paisa in collaboration with Ufone (Pak Telecom Mobile Limited). The service is offered at nearly 45,000 agent locations across Pakistan.
U Microfinance Bank is proud to be at the front line of fighting poverty in Pakistan and is dedicated to play its critical part in the implementation of National Financial Inclusion Strategy 2020 that aims to bring 50% of Pakistan’s adult population in to banking net.